• by admin
  • March 24, 2021
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Planning for liposuction surgery? Are you thinking of getting Rhinoplasty? However, the thought of coming under the knife sends down a chill. Isn’t it? Well, the truth is that plastic surgery has changed greatly over the last couple of years.Plastic Surgery Is No Longer a Taboo

A huge number of people are opting for this surgical procedure: either for an aesthetic reason or for restorative purposes. Well, the techniques followed by the  plastic surgeons have a long history. Without wasting time, let’s take a look at these interesting facts.

1. The first recorded instance of ‘nose job’ surgery could be traced back to the ancient Indian Sanskrit texts. During that time, physicians reconstructed the nose by cutting the skin either from the cheek or forehead. The skin was twisted out by placing it over a leaf and sewing it later on.

2. During the 1st Century BC, Romans performed different types of plastic surgery for repairing the nose, lips, and eyes. Cornelius Celsus, a Roman physician had mentioned breast reduction surgery in men.

3. During the First World War, Harold Gillies, regarded as the father of modern plastic surgery brought about innovative skin and muscle grafting procedures. His ‘tube pedicle’ technique for skin grafting reduced the chance of infections. Plastic surgeons who served during WWI formed the American Association of Plastic Surgery. Dr. Gillies was a part of it.

4. The term ‘plastic surgery’ was coined by Karl Ferdinand Graefe. He tried his best to remove the stigma connected with  nose reconstruction surgery.

5. During the Second World War, many new plastic surgery techniques, such as extensive skin grafting, reconstructing the entire limb, microsurgery, etc started to come up.

6. The first breast augmentation surgery was carried out in 1893. It was a reconstructive surgery and not cosmetic surgery during which a large portion of the patient’s breast was removed. German surgeon Vincenz Czerny used a Lipoma or fatty tumor for reconstructing the patient’s breast.

7. A plastic surgeon even performed organ transplant surgery. Joseph E Murray, a well-known plastic surgeon during the 1950s carried out the organ transplant surgery in 1954. During organ transplant, a bit of reconstruction and nerve reattachment is required, and also there is a need to deal with organ rejection. Murray was successful in this surgery. In 1990, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology.

8. Dr. Warren Breidenbach, the chief of the Division of Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery, is the first surgeon to carry out hand transplant surgery successfully. It has been carried worldwide on children, explosive victims, and amputees.

9. Medical tourism for plastic surgery is witnessing exponential growth. Some major players in the market are Dubai and Thailand. The quality of treatment provided by these countries is simply superb.

10. Teens are also an option for plastic surgery treatments. They are opting for laser hair removal or nose job surgery.

Plastic surgery not only calls for reshaping the features of the body, but it’s also about restoring emotional well-being. Book an appointment with your plastic surgeon today!

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