Surgical Treatment of Bilateral Gynecomastia

Bilateral gynecomastia is a common medical condition that is found in men and boys. It is the growth of male breasts.  Usually, gynecomastia is bilateral, but sometimes it is unilateral too. It results from a proliferation of the glandular component of the breast. In this blog, we will learn more about bilateral gynecomastia and its surgery. The bilateral gynecomastia surgery in Delhi can provide relief to patients who suffer from embarrassment related to male boobs. Let us dig into the details one by one. 

Bilateral Gynecomastia Surgery Delhi: Say Goodbye to Gynecomastia, Hello to a New You

Bilateral gynecomastia is due to an imbalance between the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen. Estrogen is responsible for the enlargement of breast tissue, while testosterone stops estrogen from making breast tissue grow. 

Some of the crucial factors that can affect the hormones include excessive consumption of alcohol—also; certain hereditary factors and medications are also responsible for bilateral gynecomastia. 

According to medical experts, up to 1 in 9 newborn males have palpable breast tissue. Swollen breasts are more common among males as they get older. People in their older age produce less testosterone, and they usually have more fat than younger men. This can result in a higher production of estrogen.

Types of Bilateral Gynecomastia

Glandular Gynecomastia

It is a type of gynecomastia that develops due to the production of estrogen in the male body. People who suffer from glandular gynecomastia tend to develop very large breast tissues. And older people are more likely to develop this form of gynecomastia. 

Fatty Gynecomastia

This type of gynecomastia occurs due to genetic reasons and is rare. And one of the most common genetic factors that lead to it is Klinefelter syndrome. 

Stages of bilateral Gynecomastia

Small enlargement: this is the first stage of gynecomastia. The person suffering from it develops a small enlargement in the breast. Also, some tissue growth around the areola can be noticed. The nipple has a puffy look, and the best gynecomastia surgeons in Delhi recommend getting gynecomastia treatment at this stage only. 

Moderate Enlargement: In this stage of bilateral gynecomastia, excess skin growth around the areola causes them to become droopy. There is a lot of breast enlargement that increases the width of the chest. 

Moderate to Severe Enlargement: The male breasts, in this case, become so large that they start appearing like female breasts. Also, this sagging is visible in the loose-fitting clothes. This is the last stage of breast enlargement. The only treatment option in this case is gynecomastia surgery in Delhi. 

Surgery for Gynecomastia in Delhi: No More Self-Doubt, Just a Defined Chest

Gynecomastia Surgery is of two types:


Liposuction involves the removal of excess fatty tissue using vacuum suction. This technique is mostly used when the breasts contain excessive fat.


This involves the removal of glandular tissue through surgery to reduce the size of the male breasts and enhance the chest contours.

Procedure for Gynecomastia Surgery in Delhi


  • It involves inserting a cannula (a thin hollow tube) through small incisions.
  • The cannula is moved in a controlled manner to loosen the fat.
  • Excess fat is removed through vacuum suction.


  • Surgical removal of excess tissue.
  • Nipple repositioning is done after removing the excessively dark area around the nipple.

During the Procedure

  • Surgery is performed under anaesthesia.
  • Your vitals are monitored, and you won’t feel anything during the procedure.
  • Advanced techniques ensure a quicker surgery, typically lasting 45-90 minutes.
  • In case of complications, additional time or interventions may be required.
  • Most excision surgeries can be done in outpatient departments under local or general anaesthesia.

After the Gynecomastia Surgery

  • Stitches or dressings are required post-surgery.
  • Painkillers and antibiotics are provided to manage pain and prevent infections.
  • Elastic bandages or supportive gear may be recommended for better recovery.
  • In some cases, a thin tube may be placed under the skin to drain fluid or blood.
  • You will be observed for a few hours until you regain consciousness and your vitals stabilise.

Final Words

Bilateral gynecomastia is a distressing condition, but it is treatable. With various options available, from lifestyle changes to gynecomastia surgery in Delhi, men now have effective ways to treat this condition and gain their confidence back. 

If you or your loved one is struggling with bilateral gynecomastia, know that EVA Clinic can help you. At EVA, our team of leading cosmetic surgeons, Dr Hiranmayi Jha, is here to ease the process of getting a diagnosis and treatment for this condition. 

Schedule your consultation with the best cosmetic surgeon in Delhi, Dr Hiranmayi Jha, in Delhi today. 


Dr. Hiranmayi Jha

MBBS, MS Surgery
MCH - Plastic Surgery
AIIMS Alumni
Ex-Associate Consultant in Max Saket
Have questions or want to get started? We are ready to help you with a smile!

Dr. Hiranmayi Jha

MBBS, MS Surgery
MCH - Plastic Surgery
AIIMS Alumni
Ex-Associate Consultant in Max Saket
